Thursday, April 28, 2011

G-d’s mysterious ways

G-d's mysterious ways

Ever since yesterday's announcement concerning the 'new' bond between Hamas and Fatah, Israeli analysts having been breaking their backs attempting to explain the 'new' situation Israel finds itself in. Bibi is having conniption fits. Bibi to Abu-Mazen: Choose peace with Israel, or Hamas. So read the headlines. FM Lieberman isn't far behind: Hamas will conquer Judea and Samaria. Others, on left side of the political spectrum continue lambasting Netanyahu's policies.

Personally, I believe the agreement is a reason to break out the wine, set up a band, and celebrate. Why? Despite what would seem to be an almost constant disagreement with Shimon Peres, this time he has hit the nail on the head. Latest headlines quote him: "The agreement will prevent creation of a palestinian state."

Yeah!!! Right on!!!

Bibi has good reason to be upset. His Bar Ilan 2 speech, to be recited before a full house of Senators and Congressmen in Washington in a few weeks was just about finished. Concession after concession, abandonment of more land to our enemies, relinquishment of additional security precautions, a 'palestinian state' in temporary borders, perhaps even with a taste of Jerusalem for desert. It was all set. And now – what bombshell can he initiate? Not a one. At least, certainly not in the direction he planned.

First of all, it is mandatory to comprehend the starting point. The conflict between Hamas and Fatah has and did not have anything to do with ideology. Both agree that the state of Israel is an insufferable thorn in the collective throats of the Arabs that must be plucked out of existence at the first opportunity. Abu Mazen certainly hasn't changed his life's philosophy, which he expressed while planning the 1974 Ma'alot massacre and funding the 1972 Olympic terror killings in Germany.  His present peace doctrine can be best summed up with the names Dalal Mughrabi and Wafa Idris, terrorists who killed Israelis and have been recently honored by the PA.

The major conflicts between Abu Mazen and his friends in Gaza were twofold: Ego – who would rule; and semantics – what is permissible to say? Abu Mazen was willing to play the game initiated by his predecessor Yassir, who was taught the rights and wrongs of diplomacy by Ezer Weitzman and our illustrious president, Peres. Hamas preferred to continue shooting rockets at Israel, making no bones about its intentions to delete Israel from the map.

However, their ties are much stronger and deeper than their disagreements. After all, they do have a common goal. A palestinian state in Gaza, Judea and Samaria is only a stepping stone to their main aim of destroying Israel.

What brings them back together? We can look for and perhaps find multiple reasons. But the TRUE inspiration has nothing to do with what they want. Rather, it is, as happens time and time again during the almost 4,000 year old history of our people, Divine intervention, G-d's way of saving us from ourselves.

Bibi already announced his acceptance of a palestinian state. But what can he do now? Every rocket now shot into Israel, at Sderot, Ashkelon or Tel Aviv has not one signature on it, rather two: Ismail Haniyeh and Abu Mazen. Gilad Shalit is now a captive of Hamas-Fatah. Every attempted terror attack initiated from Gaza is rubber-stamped: Fatah-Hamas.

The threat of Hamastan expanding into Judea and Samaria has increased a hundred-fold. The possibility of missile attacks from Yosh into Tel Aviv or Petach Tikvah is no longer an 'extremist's imagination,' as is the risk of attempts to shoot down planes flying into and out of Ben Gurion airport.  These scenarios are being played out at this very moment on the plates of Israeli intelligence analysts, who have been participating in this banquet at least from the signing of the 1994 Oslo accords. Even Shimon, the chief architect of this cataclysm realizes that the end of his imagined paradise is quickly coming to an end.  

Just as G-d hardened Pharaoh's heart, so too, today, He is throwing dust into the eyes of our enemies, blinding them, dulling their senses, and leading them down a dead-end road, leading, not to Israel's destruction, rather to their own obliteration.

This does not mean, under any circumstances, that we will have an easy time of it. Far from it. Dead end roads aren't necessarily short, and they can be quite bumpy. But the chances of another Arab state on our eastern border, created with Israel's blessings, have hit the lowest level they've been at in years. It won't be easy, but we will prevent creation of a palestinian state.

G-d is watching over us. G-d is protecting us, even from ourselves. Thank G-d!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Take back Kever Yosef, TODAY!

Take back Kever Yosef, TODAY!

It is our collective responsibility to ensure that Joseph's tomb return's to Israel
Text messages, received at seven in the morning, aren't a good way to start the day. Today's was no different. A terror shooting at Kever Yosef, Joseph's tomb, in Shechem, left one Jew dead and others injured.
A little while later, arriving at Ma'arat HaMachpela for morning prayers, I asked a friend if he knew who'd been killed. When he answered Ben Yosef Livnat I froze. Benyo, as he was known, had been my neighbor. He had studied at Kollel Ohr Shlomo in Tel Rumeida for a few years. I saw him there every morning, studying "Hassidut," usually "Likutai Me'oran,' the teachings for Rebbi Nachman of Breslav, with a 'chevruta' a study partner, before the nine o'clock start of the regular day's program. During his last year in the Torah program, he moved, with his wife and family, to Beit Hadassah. They lived in an apartment under ours for about a year, before moving to a Breslav neighborhood in Jerusalem.

Benyo dead!? Shot and killed!? At Kever Yosef!? Now, a few hours later, I still cannot fathom Benyo – Ben Yosef Livat, no long among the living.
Benyo's father, Noam, was severely wounded while serving in the IDF. Belonging to the Beitar movement, he was involved in Gush Etzion and later became religious. He helped initiate the Elon Moreh and Kedumim communities in Samaria, and later studied at the Od Yosef Chai yeshiva at Joseph's tomb in Shechem.  Benyo – Ben Yosef, was one of six children in the family and his name reflects the family's bond with Joseph and Joseph's tomb, where ironically, he was murdered.
Benyo is not the first Jew to lose his life as a result of total dedication to Joseph's tomb and the Shomron – Samaria region. This holy site, was, according to the cursed Oslo Accords, supposed to remain under Israeli control, despite the fact that the city Shechem, was abandoned to Arafat and the Arabs. However, numerous violent attacks at the site led to the murder of Israeli Border policeman, Cpl. Madhat Yusuf, there in October, 2000. Yusuf, injured by Arab gunfire, bled to death at the tomb when Israeli forces were forbidden to entire the site and save him.
A week later, Hillel Lieberman, was murdered by Arabs while trying to access the tomb following Israel's decision to abandon the area to the Arabs. A week and a half later Rabbi Binyamin Herling, also from Elon Moreh, was killed during a hike in an area just outside Shechem. He too bled to death after being wounded, when Israeli forces were forbidden to take actions necessary to end Arab shooting in the area.
Arabs destroyed the tomb, burning it to the ground. However Jews refused to abandon Joseph and leave this holy place Judenrein. For years Jewish worshippers have secretly visited the tomb, during the night and early morning, praying and reciting Psalms. Eventually the IDF began to offer 'secure visits' to the site. But the demand to permanently return to Joseph's tomb continued, with many groups, including many Breslav Hassidim, frequenting the holy site. So it was that Ben Yosef Livnat and some of his friends arrived there early this morning for early morning Passover prayers. Arabs in the area, including armed terrorists in uniform, known as 'palestinian police' were used to seeing Jews arrive, pray, and then leave. However, this morning these terrorists opened fire on a few cars of Breslaver's at the tomb, killing Benyo and wounding a few others, one of whom is in critical condition. Benyo, only twenty five years old, leaves a widow and four orphans, the oldest of whom is not yet five.
There are many conclusions to be reached following this horrid terrorist murder, on the eve of the last day of Passover. Again, and how many times must it be reiterated, Israel cannot and must not initiate so-called 'security arrangements' with the PA. Armed Arabs know only one use for their weapons, and that is, as has proven hundreds of times, is to murder Jews. Hundreds and thousands of Jews have been killed and injured by weapons provided to the Arabs by Israel and distributed to 'palestinian police,' that is, terrorists in uniform. How many more lives must be snuffed out until Israel's leadership understands that our neighbors will continue to kill Jews, given the opportunity to do so. Why should we help them to kill our own people!?
But, the first, and most obvious step to be implemented is the return of Kever Yosef, Joseph's tomb, to full Israeli control. Benyo's murder will not stop Jews from praying at this site; to the contrary, I expect it will accelerate and increase Jewish presence at the site. But Israel must, must, must, make it clear to our neighbors that there is a price for killing of Jews. Joseph's tomb is one of the holiest places in Israel, similar to Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem and Ma'arat HaMachpela, the tomb of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron. Why should such a sacred place remain in the hands of our enemy, who continues to desecrate it and kill Jews there!? It is our collective responsibility to ensure that Joseph's tomb return's to Israel, and that responsibility obligates Israeli leadership, the Prime Minister, the Defense Minister, and the entire Israeli cabinet (including Benyo's aunt, Minister Limor Livat), to meet today, and officially decide to return a permanent Israeli security presence to Kever Yosef, thereby allowing full, free, secure access to all Jews who so desire to worship there, day and night, three hundred and sixty five days a year. This is the only way to sanctify the memory of all those killed at this site and prevent further Jewish bloodshed at this most significant location in Israel.
Benyo was a wonderful person, a beautiful Jew and his murder will leave a huge gap in the lives of all who knew him. May his memory be blessed and may G-d comfort his widow, orphans, parents, brothers and sisters and all who knew and loved him.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tzvi Struck - A case of true iniquity

Tzvi Struck - A case of true iniquity

This article was authored by David Wilder and Itzik Shadmi.
Itzik Shadmi is a Lt. Colonel (Res.) in the IDF and chairman of the Benyamin region Action Committee.

A couple of weeks ago Tzvi Struck was sentenced to a year and a half in jail, a fifty thousand shekel fine, and, following his release from prison, a year's probation. Struck was convicted by Judge Amnon Cohen of kidnapping a fifteen year old Arab, three counts of assault, causing 'grievous bodily harm,' and intent 'to harm an animal.' According to the Arab youth, he was kidnapped, beaten and then tied up and left unconscious naked in a field.

Struck, 28 years old, married with three children, denied anything to do with the incident. A farmer in the Binyamin region (between Judea and Samaria, north of Jerusalem,) he grows grapes in vineyards on land legally appropriated to him by the State of Israel in the Shilo Valley. He had a clear-cut alibi: he was irrigating another field, in a different area at the time of the attack. The judge did not disbelieve the alibi. Rather he decided that Struck would have had time to do both: irrigate the other field and attack the Arab.
Who were the witnesses blaming Struck? Of course, the Arab youth. His father is a 'Palestinian policeman.' The main witness was brought to the trial from his jail cell. He is on trial for hurling fire-bombs at Jews. The attorney aiding the Arabs was Michael Sfard, who represents 'Peace Now.' The left-wing organization "Yesh Din' took an active role in the case. According to internal sources, the 'Palestinian policeman' – the accuser's father, actually directed the investigation, decided which witnesses should testify, and acted as translator during witness' testimony to police.
Tzvi Struck has a clean legal record. According to character witnesses, including the Binyamin area Brigade commander, Struck is 'gentle, restrained, and law-abiding,' and the crimes he is accused of are 'inconsistent with his behavior.'
Yet, the judge chose to believe the Arabs and disregard Struck's account. He didn't discount his alibi. But he ignored serious contradictions in the Arabs' testimony. Three of the witnesses presented essentially different accounts in court from the testimony they gave to the police. The attacked youth testified that he had never had any contact with Struck. Yet his father and others testified that they did know him and had been involved in land disputes with him. The father forgot to tell this fact to the police during prior questioning. Another witness claimed that the attacked youth hadn't been present at the 'scene of the crime.' However, the judge chose to ignore the contradictions, explaining them as 'innocent mistakes,' and stating that it is 'not worth relating to them.'
Much evidence seemed to disappear. Bloodstains, fingerprints, handcuffs, bloody clothing, and even the tree that the main witness hid behind, watching the crime being committed, all vanished. Or perhaps, never existed.
The judge based the conviction upon tractor tracks (the tractor was also never found) and empty gun cartridges from Struck's gun, (he wasn't accused of shooting at the youth). Judge Cohen literally stood on his head to prevent from calling the Arabs liars and acquit Struck. In essence, the judge had to decide who he believed. He chose the Arabs, saying that the identity of the attacker had been established beyond all doubt.
Arabs in the Binyamin region are furious at the fact that Jews work the land, as does Struck. There are numerous clashes between them and Jewish farmers. Struck had to deal with theft, sabotage, arson, destruction of young seedlings, and even shooting attacks while working at his own vineyard.
As the above accounts prove, numerous contradictions in testimony were given to the police and in court. Additionally, such blood libels against Jews are nothing new. The prime example is that of Muhammed al-Dura, the child supposedly killed by Israeli soldiers in Gaza. The film of his alleged death was exposed as a forgery and a fraud. And most lately, the infamous Goldstone report, now repudiated by its author.
And finally, the decision in this case can also be attributed to an attempt by the police, the prosecutor's office and the judiciary to avenge their pride, which has been sorely disgraced by Tzvi Struck's mother, Mrs. Orit Struck. Orit Struck founded and directs the Organization of Human Rights in Yesha (Judea and Samaria). The organization both defends Jews against fabricated criminal charges and also prosecutes police and others who have abused rights of Jews in Judea and Samaria. She is quite successful, and as such, has earned the wrath of left wing leaders in all walks of Israeli bureaucracy. Sending her son to jail for eighteen months, and forcing him to pay a fifty thousand shekel fine, is easily defined as pure, simple retribution. Otherwise, it is impossible to comprehend the judge's decision and conviction.
True iniquity.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Burning the Hametz

Passover has arrived. This is one of those times during the year when I really feel ok with myself. Working as a spokesperson, with all types of media and journalists doesn't always leave me with a good, warm sensation. However, Passover, in Hebrew, Pesach, is known for the hidden words "Pe" "Sach" – "Pe," meaning mouth, and  "Sach", meaning speaks. In other words, sometimes it's a mitzvah, a positive commandment, to talk. 

Now is one of those times.

On the evening prior to the start of Pesach, observant Jews search their homes, ensuring that all "Hametz," that is leavening, has been removed from the premises. Leavened bread, that is regular bread, baked using yeast, is forbidden during the seven day festival. Only Matza, that is unleavened bread, baked only with water and flour, is permitted. And any food product considered to be 'hametz,' not kosher for Pesach, must be removed from a person's home. The final search is conducted the night before the "Seder," which marks the beginning of the holiday.

The next morning, only hours before the start of Pesach, any remaining Hametz is burned, until the only residue is ash.

According to many Jewish scholars, Hametz represents much more than simple leavening.  Leavened bread rises as it bakes; this is compared to the trait of pride. Too much pride can lead to haughtiness. Matza, unleavened bread, represents an opposite characteristic, that of humility. Therefore, on the anniversary of the birth of the Jewish people, as a people, being redeemed from the oppression in Egypt, so too we attempt to reduce our arrogance and self-importance and behave more humbly. For this reason, on the morning prior to commencement of Passover, we burn our Hametz, thereby symbolically obliterating our self-conceit.

But this modesty does not determine our personality, individually or nationally, as that of meekness. Seven days after fleeing Egypt we had no choice but to jump into the sea, our fate being totally in the hands of G-d. But shortly afterward, the fledgling Jewish people were attacked by Amalakites, the most evil of all peoples, who rejected the concept of a G-dly people, and attempted to annihilate us almost before we were able to live as a people. We were then transformed into warriors, who were victorious only when Moses held his hands a high, pointing to the heavens, reminding the fighters to put their overall faith, not in their own hands, but in the Divine hands of the Creator. But warriors they were, fighting for survival against a deadly enemy. A soldier cannot be meek. They are two opposite attributes. But this is the wonder of the Jewish people, even upon their creation: on the one hand, seeming submissiveness, yet on the other hand, fierce combatants on the battlefield.

Perhaps part of our troubles at present is confusion as to our role, and our national personality. Are we to be fighters or are we to be timid? The answer is, of course, both of the above, depending on the given situation. There are times when it is necessary to set our pride ablaze. Yet there are other times when we are called on to battle without fear and without any restraint.  For example, Samuel was a prophet, a seer, a man of G-d, holy from birth. Yet it is written that he cut the Amalakite King Agog to pieces with a sword.

Hametz too has different characteristics at different times. For one week during the year we are forbidden to eat it, or take any pleasure from it. The other fifty one weeks of the year it is not only permissible, it is also a necessary and normal part of our lives. Which then, is the real quality of Hametz? Quantitatively, all year minus one week. But in term of quality, in terms of setting the tone of our lives, determining how we should live, our life's ideal, the one week of Pesach takes precedence. So it is personally, as so it is nationally, as a people.

The Torah commands us, not only to burn Hametz prior to Pesach. It also instructs to literally, 'burn the evil from your midst.. In Hebrew, "u'biarta hara mikirbecha." This phrase is used numerous times in the Bible, telling us that, at times, normal punishment is not enough. Sometimes the evil must be totally destroyed – the evil must be set afire and burned, until nothing of it remains.

Israeli security forces set forth, a month ago, searching for Hametz. Early this afternoon the media reported what some already knew for some time. The creatures who massacred the Fogel family, two teenage cousins, had been apprehended. The details are difficult to fathom. First two children were butchered and then the parents. And then, after they left the house, only to return to search for weapons, did they discover four month old Hadas, crying in her bed. Then, she too was slaughtered. The butchers showed no remorse, except for the fact that they hadn't noticed two other children in the house. Had they seen them, they too would have been brutally murdered.

The butchers from Awarta, (the village where they lived, adjacent to Itamar), must not be allowed to continue to live. They must be tried, as quickly as possible, and executed. As the verse says, evil must be burned from our midst. Those who directly helped them, before and after the massacre, they must die too. There can be no mercy for participants of a massacre. The entire village, Awarta, must be razed and burned to the ground, all its citizens expelled to Lebanon or Egypt. For they all knew, and did nothing. And that site must remain ash, just as Hametz is burned and left as ash, an eternal reminder that the Jewish people are not  meek, that we know what to do and how to do it, when necessary.

But not far from there, next to Itamar, the State of Israel must establish a new city, called Fogel, building fifty thousand homes – ten thousand for each member of the Fogel family murdered.

And we will know, and our neighbors will know, and the entire world will know – we will not be massacred – we will burn the Hametz in our midst, we will seek out and burn the evil in our midst and we will live in our land, for this is the goal of Passover, not to end slavery, not to walk in the desert, but to settle and live in our land, as a free people, in our land, Eretz Yisrael.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Shalhevet - 10 years later: An interview with Yitzhak Pass

Shalhevet - 10 years later: An interview with Yitzhak Pass

David Wilder
April 05, 2011

Shalhevet and Oriya - Purim- 2 weeks before the murder

The second day of Nisan marks the tenth anniversary of the murder of ten-month old Shalhevet Pass, shot and killed by an Arab sniper from the Abu Sneneh hills in Hebron. That horrible event remains embedded in my memory, as if it were yesterday. I'll never forget my nine year old daughter, running, screaming, into my office, crying, "the baby was hit in the head and Yithak in the legs!"

The following in an interview with Yitzhak Pass, videoed in Hebrew, yesterday. (See video below.)

Q. Yitzhak Pass, yesterday you marked  a decade to that terrible day – I remember it like it was yesterday – what about you?
Me too, I remember what happened in detail, even though, after the murder, I had a black hole in my memory, what happened. Afterwards, we started to join our memories, and I remember.
Q. What do you remember?
We walked with Shalhevet in her stroller in the direction of the Avraham Avinu neighborhood, her grandparents, my wife's parents, and when we reached the entrance to the neighborhood, then, I remember the blast I felt in my legs, at the first moment I didn't understand what had happened, and when I turned around and saw that my legs were hit, I realized that I'd been shot. I lay down on the ground behind the soldier's station, my wife took Shalhevet from the stroller in the direction of a wall that could block them from the shooting, and when she held her head, she discovered that Shalhevet had been shot in the head.  The soldiers started arriving, there was shooting, until I was evacuated. I remember it like it was yesterday.
Q. You live about 50 meters from the location of the murder. How do you deal with it, on a daily basis?
Unfortunately, bereavement, both mine and in a more general national sense, is an integral part of our lives. It's impossible to ignore it and we have to deal with it. I chose to deal with it by living where it happened, to show that it won't break us, to the contrary, it heightens our determination and increases our strength. There's no doubt that every time I walk past the monument put up in Shalhevet's memory, I feel a little pinch at my heart, it's constant, it's opposite my eyes all the time, it's impossible to ignore it, but we learned to live with it, and somehow to receive strength from it.

Q. This wasn't the first time your families, from both sides, were affected by terror. This was the most horrific, as per the results, but it wasn't the first time. What other terror events were your families affected by?

Unfortunately, we have a not so simple history in our family, on my side and on my wife's side. She's lived here many years; her parents arrived here many years ago. Her father, Avraham Zerbiv, a scribe, some 17 or eighteen years ago, was walking to early morning prayers at Ma'arat HaMachpela when, on the way, he was attacked by three terrorists with axes. He was very critically wounded, he succeeded in killing one of them and the other two were apprehended. His life was saved due to the care he received from Dr. Baruch Goldstein, who performed emergency surgery on him at the site of the attack and saved his life.

My wife's twin sister was stabbed here in Hebron and fortunately, not seriously hurt. And my younger brother, who today also lives in Hebron, was shot two weeks before Shalhevet's terrible murder, on the Shabbat of Purim, he was shot by a sniper from the Abu Sneneh hills, and fortunately for all of us, was slightly injured in his foot.

Indeed, we have experienced first-hand, terror and Arab hatred of Jews who live in Hebron.

Q. How did you choose to eternalize Shalhevet?

First of all, from our standpoint, and from that of the entire comm
unity, it was a murder that stood out due to its result. This was an infant, ten months old, that shocked the entire world. We received thousands of reactions, letters, not only from Jews and people living in Israel, who shared our grief.  We understood that Shalhevet wasn't our private possession, rather, essentially, someone who belonged to all Am Yisrael – the Jewish people. One of our first decisions was to write a Torah in her memory. This way, anyone who felt a part of this could be a partner, and many Jews helped us from all over the world, and thank G-d, that Torah, which her grandfather, my wife's father wrote, is here in Hebron.

Afterwards, in consultation with others in the community, we decided to open a Torah study hall, to eternalize her name, called Shahevet Techiyat HaAretz (Shalhevet, the living land), It was important to us to show that her murder just intensified our determination to be a part of our land, and that we are willing even to die for its sake, and to raise up and awaken, to instill love for Eretz Yisrael, the importance of our connection to the land, to settle it, to live anywhere and everywhere in our land.

Q. Shalhevet was your first born and at that time, only child. Since then your wife has given birth several times.

When Shalhevet was killed she was towards the end of her pregnancy. A few months later she gave birth to another daughter, Renana Nechama, and since then, thank G-d, we have two sons and three daughters, the last one was born two weeks ago and thank G-d, we see comfort in the children. This is one of the things that gives strength. We know that we still have reasons to continue and for what to aspire.

Q. Renana Nechama, the initial letters spell the word Ner (candle) (Shalhevet means flame). Was this intentional?

No, this is the first time that's come to my attention. The meaning of Nechama (comfort) is clear, and Renana (song-chanting prayer), shows that despite the difficulties, was have to be happy all the time and believe in what we are doing.

Despite the fact that sometimes the results are difficult, we, all of us in this state, indeed, there isn't a person who doesn't have a connection to death and bereavement, but it's important to stress the happiness factor, that we are in Eretz Yisrael and not in Galut (diaspora).

Q. The other children know about their older sister?

The older ones, of course, the younger ones know that there was something, but they are too small to understand the details.

Q. What do you teach them, what do you tell them?
We tell them what happened, without hiding anything. I think that it's important that children, as soon as they are able to comprehend, should understand the reality and know that Hebron isn't like every other place in the world, that there are the complexities here. The children understand it, they live here and they know we're not in Tel Aviv, that here there are soldiers and Arabs, that sometimes we get hit by rocks. Sometimes they feel the realities and complexities, but the bereavement is part of our life. I don't think it should be blurred. It's important that the children should know that, first of all, there is a price for our faith, for what we think and what we do, and that we gave our most valuable possession for the sake of Eretz Yisrael, for the sake of settling the land.

Q. When I stop by the monument with tourists, I stress, above everything else, that the fa
mily, despite the terrible tragedy, is still here. How do you stay here? Why?

First of all, we are stubborn. The Jewish people are stubborn, a stiff-necked people. We are enrooted in this land. Both in our personal family, and in a more general way, this is everything. There is nothing, not murder, not Arabs, which can uproot us from here, because we are a stiff-necked people. Despite what the Jewish people have experienced, we have been able to hold our heads high. We have to understand how they lived in Galut where anyone could do whatever he wanted to Jews, and here, and here, in Eretz Yisrael, we hold our heads high, standing straight and tall, no one will ever get us out of here.

Q. In conclusion, you've been in Hebron many years, you've absorbed many blows and had also, many joyous events. Why Hebron? For you, what's so special about Hebron?

Hebron is the beginning of the Kingdom of Israel. The Kingdom of David, which is, for us - our first son, born to us, we called David Tzuri, because King David embodied standing tall, Jewish power, I don't think there were many people in Jewish history who had such a personality that embodied the intensity of David, and essentially, the factors of Beit HaMikdash (the Temple) and redemption, Mashiach ben David, who will, with G-d's help, come soon, all this was personified in King David, who absorbed his roots from the Judea region and from Hebron, specifically.

For us, Hebron is to return 3,000 years, linking to the image of King David, bonding to his personality, and to continue with what he began, to be here Jews in Eretz Yisrael, walking tall, fighting when necessary, and when necessary, to be gentle, as it's written in the Talmud that David was "Adino HaEtzni," during war he was as hard as a Cedar, and when he learned Torah, he was gentle like a silk worm. We want to return to our glorious past, when the Jewish people ruled Eretz Yisrael without any question marks or complexes, without the complicated realities that we witness today, all the confusion, all the convoluted ideas that we all unfortunately hear. We want to live as simply as possible, in  the most natural way possible, the way a people should. In our opinion, such was expressed by King David.
Yitzhak Pass, thank you very much.