"Abbas wants his troops in Hebron"
Sept 17, 2008
The Israeli internet news site, ynet
(ynetnews-) posted an article
"Abbas wants his troops in Hebron"
According to the article's author, Roni Sofer, " Israel is examining the possibility of expanding the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority's security forces to include Hebron, this following a request made by the PA. The move would correspond with a measured decrease in IDF activity there."
The reasoning behind the request is to 'prevent Hebron from falling into the control of Hamas.'
Hebron has learned, numerous times, the price of placing the security of Jewish lives in the hands of our enemy.
The Israeli reaction, as reported by Ynet: "…diplomatic officials have yet to outright reject the proposal, saying parts of it were essentially positive. The sources expressed their support of Fayyad's intention to ratchet up the pressure on Hamas."
Almost 12 years ago Israel abandoned over 80% of Hebron to the 'palestinian authority." As a result, the Hebron Jewish community came under enemy gunfire for almost two years. Rabbi Shlomo Ra'anan was knifed to death, Shalhevet Pass was shot and killed. Others were wounded. People's homes and automobiles were shot into. All this, while Hebron was under PA control.
Numerous recent murders, including Achikam Amichai and David Rubin from Kiryat Arba, and Ido Zoldan from the Shomron, were perpetrated by Tanzim terrorists, i.e., Fatah-based terrorists.
Removal of Israeli security forces from almost all of Hebron endangers not only Hebron residents and visitors. Terrorists from Hebron have perpetrated attacks and killed scores throughout Israel, as a result of removal of Israeli security forces from the city.
At present, the Israeli political scene is in turmoil. Olmert will soon cease to be Prime Minister. It is unclear whether his immediate successor with be able to form a new coalition or whether within a few months Israelis will again be going to the polls. Clearly, this is not the time to again start experimenting with people's lives.
Hebron has learned, numerous times, the price of placing the security of Jewish lives in the hands of our enemy. In 1929 we lost sixty seven Jews and the survivors were expelled from the city. Following signing and implementation of the Hebron accords in January, 1997, Hebron came under immediate attack. At that time the primary weapons were rocks and fire bombs. From October 2000 thru Passover 2002, the Hebron became a war zone, with almost nonstop shooting attacks, in and around the city. Only when Israeli forces returned to all of Hebron did the attacks cease.
It goes without saying that the Hebron community vehemently opposes the proposal outlined in the Ynet report and will take any and all actions necessary to insure that it is not carried out.

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